GW/MW-007Banc Llechwedd-mawr - 560m
Association: Wales Region: Mid Wales
Latitude: 52 29 35 N, Longitude: 3 48 20 W
Grid Reference: SN 775899, QTH Locator: IO82CL
Today's Sunrise: 06:24 UTC, Today's Sunset: 18:22 UTC
GW/MW-008 Drosgol - 550m, 2 points
Association: Wales Region: Mid Wales
Latitude: 52 28 26 N, Longitude: 3 49 42 W
Grid Reference: SN 759878, QTH Locator: IO82CL
Today's Sunrise: 06:24 UTC, Today's Sunset: 18:23 UTC
Tuesday March 10th 2015
With Mal GW6OVD and Allan GW4VPX